Full stack project made with MERN stack This
project uses database I created with some of my favorite movies.
It can register a user and save their account info to the
database. Used Heroku to host this app.
Use a test account to try it out!
Account: test
Password: 111111 ---> (Six ones)
#Javascript #React #Express #NodeJS #MongoDB #Redux #Bootstrap
#Passport #Heroku
See app             
See code
Chat app made with
React Native and GiftedChat with given design
instruction. Users have option to change the color of the chat
screen. Photo from library, directly from camera, and current
location can be sent as a message. Message data will be stored in
asyncstorage and Firebase.
#Javascript #React-Native #Expo #Firebase #Firestore
See code
Event searching application made with Careerfoundry's Google
Calander API. Applied OAuth for user authentication. Some
commponents were coded as object oriented programming.
#Javascript #React #AWS #Atatus #Jest #Puppeteer #Enzyme
#Rechart #OAuth
See app             
See code